Thursday 3 April 2014

Why Hire a Lawyer?

Not every legal matter requires the hiring of a lawyer, but just because a lawyer is not required does not mean that it’s not a great option to hire one, regardless of the magnitude of your legal woes. Whether you are fighting a ticket, filing for divorce, buying or selling your home, or fighting criminal charges; a lawyer is a great idea for you.

This article will explain the ten most important reasons why hiring a lawyer will save you money and give you the best chance for winning your case.

Ten ways hiring a lawyer is a great idea for you

1. Law is complicated- The law and everything to do with it is a complex and obfuscated area of society, not because it is meant to intentionally mislead but rather because it has grown more sophisticated and complex as we have as a society. Lawyers study the law in order to make it understandable and navigable for everyone else; without a lawyer you will be fumbling around in the dark, tripping over bureaucracy and red tape.

2. Lawyers Know how to challenge- In addition to being able to wade through all the red tape and documentation required to get your legal matter before the court in any kind of reasonable fashion, lawyers also know how to make challenges and not let opposing counsel get away with things that they might ordinarily try with a layman or laywoman. Think of it like a boxing match, lawyers are the heavyweights and laypeople featherweights, just one punch will send you to the floor, but having another heavyweight on your side will even the odds.

3. Having a lawyer will save you money- Hiring a lawyer will increase your odds of winning and therefore increase your chance of making back the money you spent and more.

4. Lawyers have a network- Lawyers have a network of contacts and a pool of resources to draw from that will aid in your case, no matter the issue. When hiring a lawyer not only are you getting expert legal advice, you’re also opening up a network of experts that your lawyer has access to for no extra cost.

5. Its free to try- Most lawyers will offer a free first time consultation and give you a fair assessment of the status of your case and whether they think you are a good chance of winning.

6. The other party already has a lawyer- If the other party already has a lawyer then you are at a distinct disadvantage before you even enter a courtroom. Even the odds and hire your own lawyer.

7. Because you want the best outcome- If you want the best outcome then you need a lawyer. Even for cases where you are clearly in the right and assured of a win, lawyers will ensure that you win bigger and get everything that you are owed.

8. Reduce your stress- Tackling legal matters is a stressful time in anyone’s life; take some of the pressure off by hiring a lawyer to deal with the finer points of your case.

9. Avoid mistakes- Lawyers are paid to be efficient and effective, avoid making potentially case breaking mistakes and give yourself the best chance of winning.

10. Support- The final point is this; lawyers will be in your corner every step of the way, offering you support, advice, and a person to confide in. One of the best things about having a lawyer is that they will always be there for you on your case.

McDonnell Schroder Solicitors and Conveyancers offer the people of Western Sydney the very best range of legal service and support, backed by over 50 years of experience and legal expertise. We offer our customers a free first time consultation and can provide our clients with a ‘No Win No Fee’ service basis. If you have a legal issue that you want to discuss then give the team of professionals at McDonnell Schroder Solicitors and Conveyancers a call today, and find out how we can help you get the best results for all of your legal matters.

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